Saturday, April 16, 2011

Response to a Chinese Debate Topic

The topic is originally in Chinese- “新加坡建设核能电厂是否利大于弊还是弊大于利”。
In English, this would simply mean- "Would the construction of Nuclear Power Plants in Singapore bring more positive or negative effects to Singapore?".

Firstly, I would like to establish a stand. I think that the construction of Nuclear Power Plants would have greater negative effects to Singapore than positive effects.

I would state some reasons to support this statement.
Overall, it will be based on the issue of Safety.
Safety is a big issue when it comes to Nuclear Power. As we have recently in Japan, the Nuclear Power Plants were affected by the Earthquake and Tsunami in March. The radiation has affected the area. Water has been contaminated and life around the area has also been disrupted. This has not only posed health issues to Singapore, the economy is also affected as people will be reluctant to purchase Japanese goods in fear of radioactive contamination.
Similarly in 1986 Chernobyl's Nuclear Power Plants exploded, causing heavy amounts of damage. The city is now abandoned and can be considered as the worst nuclear disasters in history.

As the above imply, Nuclear Power plants can pose great threats to the livelihood of a country. Furthermore, Singapore lacks the space to build nuclear reactors. In the event of a disaster Singapore could very well be wiped out. At the end of the day, we would most likely be suffering instead of benefiting as we planned.
Hence I think constructing nuclear power plants in Singapore would bring more harm than benefit.


  1. Yes I entirely agree with your point. Furthermore, the main use of the Nuclear Power Plants are to in fact, create more energy for use, which I say is not lacking in today's society. So why should Singapore at all create such Power Plants at the expense of our citizen's safety just to cut cost or to improve efficiency of energy creation?

  2. I disagree with you. The importance of using nuclear power is that it is a clean source of energy, that we can use to help save the earth. The world is also running out of oil, and what will we do when that happens? We should start researching and building alternative sources of energy as soon as possible, and one of these sources would be nuclear energy.

    Contrary to what you think, nuclear energy is actually quite safe if you take the correct precautions. There have only been a few major nuclear disasters in the world even though there are many nuclear generators. For example, the Fukushima power plants failed because there was an earthquake and a tsunami. The nuclear plants were prepared for the earthquake, but the engineers of the nuclear plants never expected there to be so much water from the tsunami.

    Thus, nuclear power is an important and viable source of energy as long as we take the right precautions.
