Sunday, August 7, 2011

Term 3 Math Test 1 ---> Some Personal Reflections

Recently, I took my first math test for term 3, 2011.
I scored a very, VERY pathetic 21/40 for the math test.
I feel that this is credited to a number of things and I felt a need to reflect on them in order to help me improve myself.

Initially, I knew that I was weak in math. Somehow, I had this feeling even before the test. This feeling was the feeling that I was not going to do well. The worst part, was however, I did not take subsequent action even after harboring that thought. Knowing that I was weak in this topic, what I could have done was to do more practices. This way I can assure myself and at the same time bring back better results.

I also thought that I lacked a lot of discipline when it came to doing practices. My study table is a platform for both my work and my computer. Essentially it meant that distraction was less than arm's length away from me. 9/10 occasions when I conduct self-study, I find myself hopping on the computer. I would tell myself 'just a while, it won't hurt'. This would repeat and repeat, until a certain point in which I get too tired and fall asleep. When I wake up, I realize that I have achieved nothing! Procrastination is a big problem in which for the rest of my life I must face and learn to overcome.

I felt very set back by the results, which is my rationale for this post. I feel that I need to change to be more mature. At the end of the day my results are mine and only to affect myself. I should learn to be responsible. Hence, I decided to spend less time on the computer. I have also decided to place my computer in the bag when not in use, rather than leaving it on the computer and distract me. This way I can improve my results!


  1. I believe that math test is all about having sufficient sleep, so that your brain can function sufficiently well during the test. Besides that, I think perhaps you can try to consult Ms Wag for help, or ask the MOP people to lend you their math exercises. Good luck on improving your results for the next test.

  2. The first part of your comment is funny, I think. The second part was much more useful, thank you for your advice. I will try my best.

  3. Definitely, time management is the most important thing. This will ensure that you get enough of both practice and sleep. After all, it is proven that a lack of sleep before an intellectually intensive paper like Math can cause your thinking to slow down by 20%. Think I read that somewhere.

    But of course, it isn't ALL about sleep. If you know nothing about the topic, being alert would not help at all.

    As such, It is essentially about managing your time well. You could try putting aside 5 minutes at the start of the day setting a timetable, allocating just enough time for each piece of work you have, and adhering strictly to it. Since I started using it a few weeks ago, I can see that it has helped me get less distracted.

    After all, you cannot keep depending on others forever, right? You have to keep improving to do well consistently.
