Saturday, July 16, 2011

3 types of Thinking

Today, I will be describing three types of bad thinking and share some of my opinions about it.

Firstly, we have Sheep Thinking. Sheep are often reflected to come in a whole group or cluster. Hence, Sheep are compared to people that belong to a part of a whole group. The essential thing is that these sheep follow and play along with what other sheep go or do, similarly, these people often play along and follow what other people or the majority do. This kind of thinking lacks that involvement of one's own opinions.

Secondly, we have Egocentric thinking. As suggested by the name, Egocentric thinking is centered around oneself. "Ego" refers to one's pride and glory, while "Centric" essentially means "centered". Hence, we can know that Egocentric thinking would be a kind of thinking that is centered around the thinker's own pride and his advantages. This is a very selfish type of thinking.

Thirdly, we have Haphazard thinking. Haphazard essentially means disorganized, hence Haphazard thinking would be disorganized thinking. This would mean that you do not put in the effort to consider other aspects when thinking. This is usually the spark of a fiery, but avoidable argument.

I feel that Haphazard thinking is the deadliest among these three. The critical aspect about this type of thinking is that it has the power to change a trivial thing to a major argument. Let's use a scenario to explain this point. Imagine someone accidentally stepping on your foot. Due to Haphazard thinking, you unleash your rage on the person and give him one hard punch. The other person retaliates in rage too. The teacher hurries over to stop the fight. Afterwards, the teacher's boss reprimands the teacher for not handling the class properly. No one is happy in the end. Could all these have been avoided? At the very first part of the incident, if you chose to forgive the person instead of punching him, the person might have been much happier and apologetic. The teacher would have less trouble to take care of, and the teacher's boss would have less teachers to scold.
Haphazard thinking is very powerful- in a bad way. It is able to cause a chain of unpleasant events. Hence, in conclusion I feel that Haphazard thinking is the most dangerous thinking out of these three thinking.

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